Mirroring WU-FTPD:If you run a mirror and would like it listed below, send the URL to wuftpd-mirrors@wu-ftpd.org.Unless your local policy requires it, there is no need to ask permission to mirror the primary distribution site. We do like knowing who is mirroring, though.
WU-FTPD Mirror Operations Mailing list.:
There is a mailing list for WU-FTPD mirror operators at wuftpd-mirrors@wu-ftpd.orgThis list is for private discussions among the operators of mirrors of the WU-FTPD Development Group's FTP site ftp.wu-ftpd.org. If you have questions about the installation or operation of the daemon or any other product, please use wuftpd-questions@wu-ftpd.org To subscribe, send an email to Majordomo@wu-ftpd.org with the first two lines of the body reading:
subscribe wuftpd-mirrors
endRetrieving WU-FTPD software:
Please use one of the mirror sites nearest you.
Status of WU-FTPD Mirror Sites
Check and see how current a mirror site is.
(Please note: We are just starting the status reporting and as such it may take a week to accurately reflect mirror conditions.)
The primary distribution site for the WU-FTPD ftpd daemon is:ftp://ftp.wu-ftpd.org/pub/wu-ftpd/
Mirrors are available globally at the following sites:
Last updated: Tue Jul 1 10:09:55 CDT 2003